The word etiquette is a noun defined as “the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary.) There is a purpose for it: to help us understand how to behave in various situations. So I share with you a recent on-line article: 12 Etiquette Lessons Americans Should Learn From Canada. Only, please replace the “Should” with the word “Could” and make the choice for yourself.
- Be nice
- Bring a host gift
- Cut the tension with humor
- It helps to speak a different language
- Feel free to pass on food
- Leave famous folk alone
- Politeness is key
- Respect nature
- Respect other people’s cultures
- Say sorry
- Take off your hat and/or your sunglasses
- Tolerance
This New Year’s Eve, while in the quest of personal change for the upcoming year, consider one of the above. Practice is key to making change a reality.
Wishing you and your loved ones (and those seemingly not-so-loved) a happy, healthy and prosperous 2019.
With gratitude and immense hope,
Jean Marie