The Winter Pause…
Self-care is one key to knowing ourselves. Without it, we can become out of balance. We may see Illnesses arise, we may become short-tempered or sullen, we may feel something we can’t necessarily put our finger on, and the winter months can exacerbate the situation with its long, dark days (although the days are getting longer now 🙂 ).
Every day we have the opportunity to make daily choices that enrich our physical and emotional health, or not. Today, challenge yourself to make a choice that focuses on nutrition, activity, meditation or prayer, building healthy relationships, or getting enough sleep. All of these lifestyle choices can bring wholeness to our person.
We can begin with small changes and create steps to cultivate a lifestyle that supports our choice, then begin to get rid of old patterns that no longer serve us. Remember, there is no quick fix. Obsessive issues that took a lifetime to achieve will take a lifetime to iron out. Ignoring perceived weaknesses or flaws will only bring us back to unhealthy patterns. Moving forward is not about rejection of these perceived weaknesses or flaws, but rather inclusion and acceptance of who we are as a whole.
Take it one winter day at a time, take the winter pause…